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Do you need to be an expert?

If you are under the age of 40 I would guess you've been around the block a few times - what I'm saying is you haven't always done the same thing, sold the same product, worked in the same industry. Most likely you've sampled a few different fields, tried to find your groove.

When you switched into that new space - software sales to athletic retail, hotels to health food, dog walker to real estate - did you fear you wouldn't succeed if you weren't already an expert? I have a feeling the answer is no. Today job movement is natural if not fundamental for us to grow our skill sets and most importantly stop us from getting comfortable.

Jumping into new fields without carrying the baggage that comes from knowing too much makes you an asset because you don't get caught up on potential pitfalls. You are able to bring the fresh ideas that many "long termers" become blind to after years of seeing how things ARE done.

Don't get me wrong I see value in knowing your craft - just remember to surround yourself with those who know nothing about it, they will have a huge impact on the way things CAN be done.

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